
Den tredje november

Benriach 1968, 34 YO, Nov 1968 – May 2003, Hart Brothers, 49,8%
Aberlour 1965, 8 YO, square bottle, OB, 43%
Strathisla 25 YO, late 80’s bottling, SD133, 75 cl, Gordon & MacPhail, 40%
Strathisla 15 YO, mid 70’s bottling, flower bottle, 26 2/3 fl oz, Gordon & MacPhail, 70 proof
Teacher’s Highland Cream , 1930’s bottling, WM teachers & Sons Ltd, 70 proof
Glen Grant 1948, 50 YO, decanter, Gordon & MacPhail, 40%
Glenburgie 1948 and 1961, bottled 1981, Prince Charles & Lady Diane Wedding, Gordon & MacPhail, 40%
Glen Avon 25 YO, 80’s bottling, square bottle, Avonside Whisky Ltd, 40%
John Scott’s 35 YO, Superior Blended Scotch Whisky, 675 bottles, Duncan Taylor, 43%
Linkwood 12 YO, late 60’s – early 70’s bottling, black label, 75 cl, OB, 43%
Glenlivet 25 YO, 70’s bottling, SC99, 75 cl, Gordon & MacPhail, 40%
Glen Grant 30 YO, 60’s bottling, SC295, 26 2/3 fl oz, Gordon & MacPhail, 70 proof
Mortlach 1954, bottled 1998, Gordon & MacPhail, 40%
John Haig & Co Ltd, Gold Label, late 30’s – 40’s bottling, OB, No ABV stated
Glenfarclas 25 YO, 70’s bottling, square bottle, 26 2/3 FL OZ, OB, 75 proof
Glenlivet 1961, 80’s bottling, SC999, 75 cl, Gordon & MacPhail, 40%
Glen Grant 42 YO, late 70’s bottling, supposed to be a 1936, 26 2/3 fl oz, Gordon & MacPhail, 70 proof
Ballantines 30 YO, 60’s bottling, SB161, OB, 43%
Mortlach 12 YO, 70’s bottling, sherrywood, SC803, 26 2/3 fl oz, Gordon & MacPhail, 70 proof
Glenlivet 1950, bottled 1995, Gordon & MacPhail, 40%

för den som har råd och vill.


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Företagande Swedish

New York-börsens blunder: Hissade schweiziska flaggan

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Grafitgruva ska öppnas i Woxna – Elektroniktidningen

En öken idag, ett stor hål imorgon?

Kanadensiska Leading Edge Materials ska återuppliva sin gruva i Woxna, nära Edsbyn i Hälsingland. Företaget hoppas kunna leverera billig grafit till Northvolts jättebatterifabrik.

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”Galen” skyskrapa planerades i Stockholm

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