En stor lyriker som redan saknas oss. Förmågan att stå i skuggan av sin bror och först få erkännande och uppskattning många, många, många år senare måste uppskattas. Ted Sjöng om Helena, men jag undrar vems hjärta Helena egentlige tog. Respekt!
Category: Swedish
Japp, bra tycker jag också.
Region Gävleborgs dolda telefonnummer ger upphov till irritation både hos patienter och sjukvårdpersonal. Men nu ska det bli ändring, lovar regionen.
Source: Patient jublar: Region Gävleborg tar bort dolda nummer – P4 Gävleborg | Sveriges Radio
The Scottish geologist James Hutton made a proposal in 1788 that, at the time, was extraordinarily controversial. He described Earth as a “beautiful machine”, constantly subjected to long-term decay and regeneration, that could only be understood over many millions of years. This may not sound that
Source: A glass of whisky could help you get your head around deep time
WTF !!!
Hundreds of US couples packing AR-15 rifles have had their marriages and weapons blessed at an unusual church ceremony. Children from a nearby elementary school had to be relocated for their safety.
Source: US: Rifle-toting worshippers renew wedding vows at Pennsylvania church | News | DW | 01.03.2018