Category: Swedish
Internet är nu en mänsklig rättighet – M3
Stunning photos raise awareness of issues like sustainable development, pollution and human rights.
Source: Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016: Winners and shortlisted images
When I sit at my living room table I can see wonderful big airplanes in the final approach to Zurich (ZRH) airport or ascending to a far destination: Airbus A380 or Boeing B777 are ingenious proof of what we are capable to design and build. Quite often when I have visitors I start flightradar24 to get more information…
Source: ESP8266 based Plane Spotter – How To | Squix TechBlog
I mitten av 1500-talet kom potatisen till Europa men det skulle dröja mer än 200 år innan människor faktiskt började äta den. Mest för att kyrkan ogillade potatisen, som inte var n…
Source: Svenskarna har fel om nästan allt | Andrev Walden | Kolumnister | Nyheter | Aftonbladet
Ever received a suspicious email about your PayPal account, or from a Nigerian prince? Of course you have, you’re a human with an email address. Mos
Source: How to scam the scammers: comedian James Veitch replies to those annoying emails